

Western Carpenter Ant

Camponotus modoc
Local Pest Control
Camponotus modoc
Mobile App
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Camponotus modoc or western carpenter ant is a black carpenter ant with dark red legs. Workers range in size from 7 to 13 mm.

Western Carpenter Ant

Camponotus modoc
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Hymenoptera
family: Formicidae
genus: Camponotus

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How can I control a western black carpenter ant infestation?
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It occurs in Western North America, where it makes nests in dead wood, including dead logs in the forests, as well as human houses.

As pests

Carpenter ants will damage homes by nesting in them. They will dig out tunnels in wood to expand their living spaces and can lead to structural damage. The infestation in the home usually is a satellite colony, with the main one within a hundred yards or more in a stump or other decayed wood. When colonies start to establish themselves in homes, they may start small (a few hundred members) but can grow to several tens of thousands. There can be 20 or more satellite colonies.