

Synema globosum

Araña de Napoleón

Synema globosum
Control de plagas locales
Synema globosum
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Synema globosum es una especie de araña del género Synema, familia Thomisidae.

Araña de Napoleón

Synema globosum
Control de plagas locales


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Clasificación científica

La gente pregunta a menudo

How many eyes does napoleon spider have?
What is a napoleon spider?
How big do napoleon spider get?
What color is a napoleon spider?
Where do napoleon spider live?
What do napoleon spider eat?
Are napoleon spider venomous?
How do napoleon spider catch their prey?
How long do napoleon spider live?
Are napoleon spider aggressive towards humans?
What is the scientific name for napoleon spider?
How many eyes do napoleon spider have?
Do napoleon spider migrate?
How do napoleon spider mate?
How do napoleon spider build their webs?
What is the lifespan of a napoleon spider?
Are napoleon spider harmful to plants?
How do napoleon spider defend themselves?
Are napoleon spider social or do they live alone?
What is the habitat of napoleon spider?
What other common names are there for napoleon spider?
What is the average size of a napoleon spider?
What is the diet of napoleon spider?
How do napoleon spider move around?
How long does it take for napoleon spider eggs to hatch?
Does napoleon spider have any predators?
How long does it take for a napoleon spider to mature?
What is the reproductive behavior of napoleon spider?
Are napoleon spider found in the United States?
What is the lifespan of a napoleon spider in captivity?
Can napoleon spider see well?