

Vanessa atalanta

Almirante Rojo

Vanessa atalanta
Control de plagas locales
Vanessa atalanta
Aplicación móvil
Un especialista en insectos
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La numerada, vulcana, vanesa, o almirante rojo, conocida popularmente también como atalanta (Vanessa atalanta) es una especie de lepidóptero ditrisio de la familia Nymphalidae propia de Europa, Asia y Norteamérica.

Almirante Rojo

Vanessa atalanta
Control de plagas locales


garden pest
crop pest

Clasificación científica

La gente pregunta a menudo

How long does a red admiral butterfly live for?
Where do red admiral butterflies live?
What do red admiral butterflies eat?
Are red admiral butterflies rare?
Do red admiral hibernate?
What type of insect is red admiral?
What is the scientific name for red admiral?
Where can I find red admiral?
What is the lifespan of red admiral?
What does red admiral look like?
What do adult red admiral butterflies feed on?
How does red admiral defend itself from predators?
What is the habitat of red admiral?
How does red admiral reproduce?
What is the larval stage of red admiral called?
How long does it take for red admiral to go from egg to adult?
How does red admiral contribute to the ecosystem?
Is red admiral an endangered species?
What is the wingspan of red admiral?
What is the migration pattern of red admiral?
How fast can red admiral fly?
What predators does red admiral have?
What is the purpose of the patterns on the wings of red admiral?
Do male red admiral butterflies look different than females?
How can you attract red admiral to your garden?
How does red admiral benefit humans?
How does red admiral differ from other butterflies?
What is the most common food for red admiral caterpillars?
Can red admiral be kept as a pet?
What is the role of the antennae of red admiral?
How does red admiral overwinter?
What is the flight pattern of red admiral?
What is the difference between a red admiral butterfly and a moth?
What is the collective noun for red admiral butterflies?
What is the significance of the name Vanessa atalanta?


En otoño tiene lugar una migración masiva hacia el sur. A fines de otoño o principios de invierno se aparea. Los cardos, que son sus plantas hospederas son más abundantes en esa época. El desarrollo larvario procede durante el invierno y los adultos emergen en la primavera temprana. La nueva generación emigra hacia el norte; las plantas de que se alimentan han disminuido en esa época. Durante la migración las mariposas vuelan a gran altitud donde los vientos las llevan, lo cual les ahorra energía.