

Phloeodes diabolicus

Coléoptère Diabolique

Phloeodes diabolicus
Lutte antiparasitaire locale
Phloeodes diabolicus
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Nosoderma diabolicum (anciennement Phloeodes diabolicus), surnommé « coléoptère du diable » ou « coléoptère cuirassé », est un coléoptère de la famille des Zopheridae.

Coléoptère Diabolique

Phloeodes diabolicus
Lutte antiparasitaire locale

Mots clés

tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Classification scientifique

Les gens demandent souvent

What does diabolical ironclad beetle eat?
How big does a diabolical ironclad beetle get?
What color is diabolical ironclad beetle?
Where can I find diabolical ironclad beetle?
What is the diabolical ironclad beetle?
Where can I find the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How did the diabolical ironclad beetle get its name?
What does the diabolical ironclad beetle look like?
What is the function of the diabolical ironclad beetle's exoskeleton?
How strong is the diabolical ironclad beetle's exoskeleton?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle's exoskeleton achieve its strength?
What are some of the potential applications of the diabolical ironclad beetle's exoskeleton?
Is the diabolical ironclad beetle endangered?
What is the diet of the diabolical ironclad beetle?
What is the lifespan of the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle reproduce?
Are there any predators of the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle defend itself?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle move?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle breathe?
What is the habitat of the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle interact with the environment?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle communicate?
What are some interesting facts about the diabolical ironclad beetle?
Can the diabolical ironclad beetle be kept as a pet?
How can I help protect the habitat of the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How can I learn more about the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle compare to other insects?
How are scientists and researchers studying the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How can I safely handle the diabolical ironclad beetle?
How does the diabolical ironclad beetle impact humans?
Can the diabolical ironclad beetle be used in biotechnology or biomimetics?
What are some other insects that have strong exoskeletons?
Is the diabolical ironclad beetle harmful or beneficial to the environment?


Il est incapable de voler et a une durée de vie maximale de huit ans. Ce scarabée est réputé pour son indestructibilité : il est notamment capable de survivre après avoir été « écrasé » par une automobile. Ses élytres épais, densément stratifiés et imbriqués, reliés à la cuticule ventrale par des structures de support latérales complexes, sont capables de supporter une charge d'environ 15 kg (149 newtons).


On le trouve dans les zones arides de la côte ouest des États-Unis, où il vit sur des champignons poussant sous l'écorce des arbres.