

Pseudomyrmex gracilis

Pseudomyrmex gracilis
Lutte antiparasitaire locale
Pseudomyrmex gracilis
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Pseudomyrmex gracilis, également connue sous le nom de fourmi à brindille gracieuse, fourmi à brindille mexicaine, fourmi à brindille élancée ou fourmi à brindille allongée, est une grande espèce élancée originaire du Mexique et des régions arides des États-Unis. Les ouvrières mesurent environ 8 à 10 mm de long et ressemblent généralement à des guêpes en apparence et en style de mouvement. Les fourmis ouvrières sont bicolores; la tête et le gaster sont sombres, tandis que les antennes, les pièces buccales, le thorax et les pattes sont orange terne avec un ombrage sombre. On les voit souvent sur la végétation, butinant des insectes vivants ou ramassant du miellat sur des insectes suceurs de sève. Si jamais la colonie se retrouve sans reine, les fourmis ouvrières forment des hiérarchies de dominance en boxant avec leurs antennes. Cela conduit à un couple d'individus de haut rang à pondre des œufs jusqu'au retour d'une nouvelle reine.

Pseudomyrmex gracilis

Pseudomyrmex gracilis
Lutte antiparasitaire locale

Mots clés

tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Classification scientifique

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Hymenoptera
family: Formicidae
genus: Pseudomyrmex

Les gens demandent souvent

Do twig ants bite?
Where does graceful twig ant live?
Does graceful twig ant have eyes?
What does graceful twig ant eat?
What is the scientific name of the graceful twig ant?
What is the habitat of the graceful twig ant?
What is the size of the graceful twig ant?
What is the behavior of the graceful twig ant?
What is the color of the graceful twig ant?
What is the diet of the graceful twig ant?
What kind of relationship do the graceful twig ant have with acacia trees?
What is the function of the thorns on acacia trees where graceful twig ant provide protection?
What is the role of queen ant in graceful twig ant colony?
What are some predators of the graceful twig ant?
What is the role of workers in graceful twig ant colony?
What is the role of male ant in graceful twig ant colony?
What is the role of the alates (winged reproductives) in graceful twig ant colony?
What is the lifespan of the graceful twig ant?
What is the social structure of the graceful twig ant?
What is the mechanism of defense of the graceful twig ant?
What is the geographical range of graceful twig ant?
What is the level of endangerment of graceful twig ant?
What is the morphology of the graceful twig ant?
What are the benefits of the relationship between graceful twig ant and acacia trees?
What is the name of the kingdom where graceful twig ant belongs?
Does graceful twig ant bite or sting people?
Can graceful twig ant harm plants?
What are some distinct characteristics of graceful twig ant?
What are the mating habits of graceful twig ant?
What is the reproductive strategy of graceful twig ant?
How do graceful twig ant defend their territories?
Are graceful twig ant beneficial for the environment?
What is the relation between ants and acacia trees?
What is the role of graceful twig ant in their ecosystem?

Lectures complémentaires

- Volker S. Schmid; Martin Kaltenpoth; Erhard Strohm & Jürgen Heinze (2013) "La retenue des travailleurs et la police maintiennent le monopole reproductif de la reine dans une fourmi pseudomyrmécine pp. 1

Liens externes

- Université de Floride - Université de Floride