

Broad-Faced Sac Spider

Trachelas tranquillus
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Trachelas tranquillus
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Trachelas tranquillus is a species of spider commonly known as the Broad-faced Sac Spider. It belongs to the family Trachelidae and is found in North America. This spider is small in size, with a body length of about 6-8 mm. It is known for its broad, flattened cephalothorax and its ability to build sac-like webs in vegetation.

Broad-Faced Sac Spider

Trachelas tranquillus
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Trachelidae
genus: Trachelas

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How big do broad-Faced Sac Spider get?
Are broad-Faced Sac Spider nocturnal?
Do broad-Faced Sac Spider bite humans often?
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How fast do broad-Faced Sac Spider move?
Are broad-Faced Sac Spider commonly found in homes?
What is the habitat range of broad-Faced Sac Spider?
What is the size range of broad-Faced Sac Spider?
Do broad-Faced Sac Spider hunt during the day or night?
What is the lifespan of broad-Faced Sac Spider?
Do broad-Faced Sac Spider have any unique behaviors or adaptations?
Are broad-Faced Sac Spider endangered?
How can I prevent broad-Faced Sac Spider from entering my home?
What is the social behavior of broad-Faced Sac Spider?
What are the common names of Trachelas tranquillus?