

Clavate Tortoise Beetle

Helocassis clavata
Local Pest Control
Helocassis clavata
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Helocassis clavata is a species of insect belonging to the family Chrysomelidae. It is commonly known as the clubbed leaf beetle. This small beetle is characterized by its elongated body shape and club-shaped antennae. It is typically found in various habitats, feeding on the leaves of plants and occasionally causing damage to crops.

Clavate Tortoise Beetle

Helocassis clavata
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Coleoptera
family: Chrysomelidae
genus: Helocassis

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What is the scientific name of clavate tortoise beetle?
What is the size of clavate tortoise beetle?
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What is the appearance of clavate tortoise beetle?
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Is clavate tortoise beetle harmful to plants?
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Is clavate tortoise beetle nocturnal or diurnal?
Do clavate tortoise beetle undergo metamorphosis?
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Can clavate tortoise beetle fly?
Are clavate tortoise beetle harmful to humans?
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Where can I find clavate tortoise beetle?
How many legs does clavate tortoise beetle have?
Can clavate tortoise beetle swim?
Are there any unique characteristics of clavate tortoise beetle?
What is the behavior of clavate tortoise beetle?
What is the mating behavior of clavate tortoise beetle?
What is the reproductive cycle of clavate tortoise beetle?
What is the relationship between clavate tortoise beetle and humans?
How does clavate tortoise beetle protect itself?
Are there any cultural or historical references to clavate tortoise beetle?
What is the distribution of clavate tortoise beetle?
How does clavate tortoise beetle interact with other insects and animals?
Can clavate tortoise beetle camouflage themselves?
What are the natural predators of clavate tortoise beetle?