Yes, eastern black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) are dangerous as they are known carriers of Lyme disease, which can cause a range of symptoms including fever, fatigue, and joint pain if left untreated.
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What should I do if I get bit by a eastern black-legged tick?
Is eastern black-legged tick active at night?
Do male eastern black-legged tick carry Lyme disease?
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How soon after being bitten by a tick do symptoms appear?
What kind of ticks carry Lyme disease?
What stage of tick transmits Lyme disease?
What is a eastern black-legged tick?
How big is a eastern black-legged tick?
What do eastern black-legged tick feed on?
Are eastern black-legged tick dangerous?
What diseases do eastern black-legged tick carry?
Where do eastern black-legged tick live?
When are eastern black-legged tick most active?
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How do you remove a eastern black-legged tick?
Can you get Lyme disease from a eastern black-legged tick bite?
What are the symptoms of Lyme disease?
How soon after a tick bite do symptoms of Lyme disease appear?
Can you prevent eastern black-legged tick bites?
How do you check for eastern black-legged tick after being outdoors?
How common is Lyme disease from eastern black-legged tick?
What should you do if you find a eastern black-legged tick on your body?
Can you get Lyme disease more than once?
Can you get Lyme disease from a tick that has not yet attached itself to your skin?
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Do eastern black-legged tick fly or jump?
How do you kill eastern black-legged tick?
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Can you get a tick-borne disease in the winter?
How do you know if a tick bite is infected?
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What is the difference between a eastern black-legged tick and a dog tick?
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Can you get an infection from trying to remove a tick?