The eastern Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa virginica) typically inhabits woodlands, forests, and areas with abundant vegetation, where it constructs its nests in dead wood, tree trunks, or wooden structures such as fences and buildings.
More questions
Are eastern Carpenter Bee beneficial?
Do carpenter bees sting or bite you?
Do carpenter bees die after mating?
Why do carpenter bees stare at you?
What smell do carpenter bees hate?
How long will eastern Carpenter Bee live?
What is the eastern Carpenter Bee?
What does the eastern Carpenter Bee look like?
What does the eastern Carpenter Bee eat?
Where do eastern Carpenter Bee live?
Do eastern Carpenter Bee sting?
How do I distinguish between a male and female eastern Carpenter Bee?
What is the lifespan of an eastern Carpenter Bee?
How big are eastern Carpenter Bee?
Are eastern Carpenter Bee beneficial?
How do eastern Carpenter Bee pollinate flowers?
What is the difference between a carpenter bee and a bumble bee?
How do I prevent eastern Carpenter Bee from nesting in my home?
Do eastern Carpenter Bee live in colonies?
How do eastern Carpenter Bee build their nests?
Can eastern Carpenter Bee cause damage to my home?
How do I get rid of eastern Carpenter Bee?
Do eastern Carpenter Bee have any predators?
What is the mating behavior of eastern Carpenter Bee?
How do eastern Carpenter Bee communicate with each other?
What is the importance of eastern Carpenter Bee in the ecosystem?
How many species of Carpenter Bees are there?
How does climate change affect eastern Carpenter Bee?
How can I attract eastern Carpenter Bee to my garden?
What is the role of male eastern Carpenter Bee?
What time of year do eastern Carpenter Bee emerge?
What is the purpose of the buzzing sound made by eastern Carpenter Bee?
How does the eastern Carpenter Bee differ from other species of Carpenter Bees?
What is the habitat of eastern Carpenter Bee?
Are eastern Carpenter Bee social insects?
How far do eastern Carpenter Bee travel to collect nectar and pollen?