

Eastern Tawny-horned Spider Wasp

Entypus unifasciatus
Local Pest Control
Entypus unifasciatus
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Entypus unifasciatus is a species of insect commonly known as the banded spider wasp. It belongs to the family Pompilidae and is found in various regions around the world. This wasp is characterized by its black body with a single yellow band across its abdomen. It is known for its fascinating behavior of hunting and paralyzing spiders to serve as food for its larvae.

Eastern Tawny-horned Spider Wasp

Entypus unifasciatus
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Hymenoptera
family: Pompilidae
genus: Entypus

People often ask

Is entypus unifasciatus dangerous to humans?
What does entypus unifasciatus eat?