

Eurasian Running Crab Spider

Philodromus dispar
Local Pest Control
Philodromus dispar
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Philodromus dispar is a philodromid crab spider found on trees and bushes. It is an agile hunter. The female of the species is variable in size and colour. The male is shiny and iridescent black or dark brown with white edges. The spider is about 5mm long; it feeds on flies and other insects. It does not build a web, but hunts its prey by remaining stationary in ambush and awaiting prey to come near it.

Eurasian Running Crab Spider

Philodromus dispar
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Philodromidae
genus: Philodromus

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How does running crab spider sense their environment?
Can running crab spider be harmful to plants?
What is the lifespan of males and females running crab spider?
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