

Evarcha arcuata

Evarcha arcuata
Local Pest Control
Evarcha arcuata
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Evarcha arcuata is a species of jumping spiders with a palearctic distribution.

Evarcha arcuata

Evarcha arcuata
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Salticidae
genus: Evarcha

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Males reach a body length of about six, females up to eight millimetres. The female has a brown and whitish cephalothorax, and an opisthosoma with a distinct pattern of black diagonal spots, sometimes with a white outline. The male is in contrast almost black with a copper-like gloss. His face features a horizontal pattern of black and white stripes. While males are found very frequently, females often hide in their retreats, for example between rolled leaves. During early winter she guards her egg sac here.



The species name is possibly derived from Latin arcus "bow", with the meaning "arched", referring to the arched abdomen.