

Giant House Spider

Eratigena duellica
Local Pest Control
Eratigena duellica
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Eratigena duellica, commonly known as the Giant House Spider, is a species of spider belonging to the family Agelenidae. It is native to Europe and has also been introduced to North America. This spider is known for its large size, with females reaching up to 12 centimeters in leg span. It is often found in houses and buildings, where it constructs funnel-shaped webs to catch its prey.

Giant House Spider

Eratigena duellica
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Agelenidae
genus: Eratigena

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Do giant house spider spin webs?
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Can giant house spider jump?
What is the reproductive behavior of the giant house spider?
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What is the difference between the male and female giant house spider?
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What is the range of the giant house spider?
Can giant house spider climb walls?
How does the giant house spider catch its prey?
What is the color of the giant house spider?
Do giant house spider migrate?
How do I release a giant house spider that I have caught?