

gold-and-brown rove beetle

Ontholestes cingulatus
Local Pest Control
Ontholestes cingulatus
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Ontholestes cingulatus, commonly known as the carrion beetle, is a species of insect belonging to the family Staphylinidae. It is typically found in North America and Europe. These beetles are known for their scavenging behavior, feeding on decaying animal matter, and playing an important role in the decomposition process. They have a distinctive black and orange coloration, with a cylindrical body shape and short elytra.

gold-and-brown rove beetle

Ontholestes cingulatus
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Coleoptera
family: Staphylinidae
genus: Ontholestes

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