

Margined Shining Leaf Chafer

Callistethus marginatus
Local Pest Control
Callistethus marginatus
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Callistethus marginatus is a species of insect belonging to the family Cerambycidae, commonly known as longhorn beetles. It is characterized by its elongated body shape and long antennae, which can be as long as or even longer than its body. The species is typically found in forests and woodlands, where it feeds on decaying wood and plant material. Its distinctive feature is the presence of black margins on its elytra, which give it its specific epithet "marginatus."

Margined Shining Leaf Chafer

Callistethus marginatus
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Coleoptera
family: Scarabaeidae
genus: Callistethus

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What color is margined shining leaf chafer?
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What is margined shining leaf chafer?
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What is the size of margined shining leaf chafer?
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What is the behavior of margined shining leaf chafer?
Is margined shining leaf chafer harmful to humans?
What are the ecological benefits of margined shining leaf chafer?
What is the scientific name of margined shining leaf chafer?
Are there any unique facts about margined shining leaf chafer?
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What is the reproduction process of margined shining leaf chafer?
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What is the preferred climate of margined shining leaf chafer?
Can margined shining leaf chafer fly?
What is the color of margined shining leaf chafer?
How many legs does margined shining leaf chafer have?
How does margined shining leaf chafer defend itself?
What is the population status of margined shining leaf chafer?
What are the threats to margined shining leaf chafer?
What is the range of margined shining leaf chafer?
What is the difference between margined shining leaf chafer and other insects that look similar?
What are the adaptations of margined shining leaf chafer to its environment?
What is the economic importance of margined shining leaf chafer?
What is the cultural significance of margined shining leaf chafer?
What is the taxonomic classification of margined shining leaf chafer?
How does margined shining leaf chafer contribute to the ecosystem?
What is the history of margined shining leaf chafer?