

Northern Crab Spider

Mecaphesa asperata
Local Pest Control
Mecaphesa asperata
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Mecaphesa asperata is a species of spider commonly known as the rough crab spider. It is characterized by its flattened body and crab-like appearance, with long, spiny legs. This species is typically found in North America, inhabiting a variety of habitats such as meadows, gardens, and forests. Mecaphesa asperata is an ambush predator, using its excellent camouflage to blend in with flowers and wait for unsuspecting prey to come within striking distance.

Northern Crab Spider

Mecaphesa asperata
Local Pest Control


garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Thomisidae
genus: Mecaphesa

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