

Northern Dog-day Cicada

Neotibicen canicularis
Local Pest Control
Neotibicen canicularis
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Neotibicen canicularis, commonly known as the dog-day cicada, is a species of insect belonging to the family Cicadidae. It is found in eastern North America and is known for its distinctive buzzing sound during the hot summer months. The adult cicadas have a black body with greenish markings and transparent wings. They have a lifespan of about 2-4 weeks and primarily feed on tree sap.

Northern Dog-day Cicada

Neotibicen canicularis
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Hemiptera
family: Cicadidae
genus: Neotibicen

People often ask

How long do dog-Day Cicada live?
What is the purpose of cicadas?
Why do cicadas suddenly stop?
Where can I find dog-Day Cicada?
What color is dog-Day Cicada?
How big does a dog-Day Cicada get?
What is the dog-Day Cicada?
How do dog-Day Cicada differ from other cicadas?
What is the size of a dog-Day Cicada?
What is the lifespan of dog-Day Cicada?
What do dog-Day Cicada eat?
Where are dog-Day Cicada found?
Why are dog-Day Cicada called 'dog-day'?
What is the sound of dog-Day Cicada?
How often do dog-Day Cicada shed their skin?
What predators does dog-Day Cicada have?
How do dog-Day Cicada mate?
How long do dog-Day Cicada stay underground as nymphs?
What is the purpose of the loud buzzing sound made by dog-Day Cicada?
Are dog-Day Cicada harmful to humans or pets?
What is the difference between a dog-Day Cicada and a locust?
How do dog-Day Cicada benefit the ecosystem?
Can dog-Day Cicada cause damage to trees?
How long do dog-Day Cicada take to emerge from the ground?
What is the range of dog-Day Cicada mating songs?
Why do some dog-Day Cicada have green eyes, while others have red?
Are dog-Day Cicada attracted to light?
Do dog-Day Cicada damage crops?
Can dog-Day Cicada carry diseases?
How can I tell if I have dog-Day Cicada in my area?
How long does it take for dog-Day Cicada eggs to hatch?
What is the purpose of the loud buzzing sound made by male dog-Day Cicada?
Are dog-Day Cicada endangered?
How can I get rid of dog-Day Cicada?
How many species of dog-Day Cicada are there?
What are the other common names for dog-Day Cicada?