

Ocellated Tiger Beetle

Cicindela ocellata
Local Pest Control
Cicindela ocellata
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Cicindela ocellata, commonly known as the eyed tiger beetle, is a species of ground-dwelling insect belonging to the family Carabidae. It is characterized by its vibrant metallic green or blue coloration, with distinctive white or yellow spots on its elytra, resembling eyes. This predatory beetle is known for its exceptional speed and agility, using its long legs to chase and capture its prey. Found in sandy or gravelly habitats, the eyed tiger beetle is an important indicator species for the health of its ecosystem.

Ocellated Tiger Beetle

Cicindela ocellata
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Coleoptera
family: Carabidae
genus: Cicindela

People often ask

What attracts cicindela ocellata?