

Exomala orientalis

Oriental Beetle

Exomala orientalis
Local Pest Control
Exomala orientalis
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The Oriental beetle (Anomala orientalis, often given as Exomala orientalis under an invalid genus name) is a species of shining leaf chafer in the family Scarabaeidae. It is a beetle about 0.7 - 1.1 cm (0.3 - 0.4 inches) long, with mottled, metallic brown- and black-colored elytra and a similarly-colored thorax and head during the adult stage. It is sometimes confused with the larger and more colorful Japanese beetle. During the larval stage, the Oriental beetle can be identified by the parallel line raster pattern. This species is native to Asia. It was introduced to North America and has since spread to, and become a pest in, several mid-Atlantic states. Its invasive range extends from Maine to South Carolina and Wisconsin. In its larval stage, the grub feeds on the roots of grasses, while the adults feed on various plants. Sex pheromone traps are often used to capture and kill the Oriental beetle.

Oriental Beetle

Exomala orientalis
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

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What is the oriental Beetle?
What do oriental Beetle look like?
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What do oriental Beetle eat?
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How do I get rid of oriental Beetle?
Are oriental Beetle harmful to humans?
How long do oriental Beetle live?
Can oriental Beetle fly?
How many eggs does an oriental Beetle lay?
What is the life cycle of an oriental Beetle?
What is the difference between oriental Beetle and Japanese beetles?
Can oriental Beetle be controlled naturally?
How can I prevent oriental Beetle infestations?
What is the economic impact of oriental Beetle infestations?
Why are oriental Beetle considered invasive?
Can oriental Beetle be harmful to the environment?
Can oriental Beetle be harmful to pets?
What are the ecological impacts of oriental Beetle infestations?
How do oriental Beetle reproduce?
Are oriental Beetle nocturnal?
Do oriental Beetle have predators?
Can oriental Beetle fly long distances?
What is the economic impact of oriental Beetle control methods?
Are oriental Beetle a threat to agriculture?
How long does it take for oriental Beetle to mature?
What is the distribution of oriental Beetle?
How do oriental Beetle move from one location to another?
How do I correctly identify an oriental Beetle?
How can I report an oriental Beetle sighting?