

Orizaba Spotted Orbweaver

Neoscona orizabensis
Local Pest Control
Neoscona orizabensis
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Neoscona orizabensis is a species of orb-weaving spider commonly found in the highlands of Mexico, particularly in the Orizaba region. It is known for its distinctive coloration, with a dark brown or black body and yellow or orange markings on its abdomen. These spiders construct large, intricate orb webs to catch their prey, typically consisting of flying insects.

Orizaba Spotted Orbweaver

Neoscona orizabensis
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Araneidae
genus: Neoscona

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Do orizaba spotted orbweaver sleep?