

Pelidnota punctata

Spotted June Beetle

Pelidnota punctata
Local Pest Control
Pelidnota punctata
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The grapevine beetle (Pelidnota punctata), also known as the spotted June beetle or the spotted pelidnota, is a species of beetle in the family Scarabaeidae (Scarab beetles), situated in the subfamily Rutelinae. Grapevine beetles are common in the north and central United States and eastern Canada, but do relatively little damage to their host plants. The beetles fly at a fast speed, usually in a curving flight. The adult beetle is approximately 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) long, but can reach 3 cm (1.2 in) occasionally. Its pattern is off-yellow or auburn red, with four black spots running down each side. Fine black lines divide the edges of its elytra. There are two different variations of Pelidnota punctata: the southern variation lacks the darker legs, while the northern variation has darker legs. Adults in the northern parts of its range will have darker and more spots, while those in the southern regions may not have them at all. The grapevine beetle is a variable species, whose taxonomy and nomenclature has been discussed and revised throughout the twentieth century.

Spotted June Beetle

Pelidnota punctata
Local Pest Control


garden pest

Scientific classification

People often ask

Where does grapevine beetle usually live?
Why does grapevine beetle come out at night?
What is the scientific name for grapevine beetle?
What is the size of grapevine beetle?
What do grapevine beetle eat?
Where can grapevine beetle be found?
Are grapevine beetle dangerous?
What does the adult grapevine beetle look like?
How long do grapevine beetle live?
What is the habitat of grapevine beetle?
How does the grapevine beetle damage grapevines?
How can grapevine beetle infestations be managed?
What is the color of grapevine beetle larvae?
What is the behavior of grapevine beetle larvae?
What is the range of grapevine beetle?
What is the habitat of grapevine beetle larvae?
What is the host range of grapevine beetle?
What is the life cycle of grapevine beetle?
What is the development time of grapevine beetle larvae?
Are grapevine beetle nocturnal?
What is the habitat of the adult grapevine beetle?
What is the behavior of adult grapevine beetle?
Can grapevine beetle fly?
Do grapevine beetle have any predators?
What is the shape of grapevine beetle?
What is the color of grapevine beetle?
What is the size of grapevine beetle larvae?
Is grapevine beetle a pest of grapevines?
What is the ecology of grapevine beetle?
What is the distribution of grapevine beetle?
What is the common name for grapevine beetle?
What is the best way to identify grapevine beetle?

Habitat and diet

The beetle lives throughout the eastern part of North America, from Ontario and Maine in the north to Florida in the south, and west to Texas and South Dakota. It lives, like many beetles, in forests, thickets, and woods, and is mostly seen during the summer. Active flyers, these beetles are commonly attracted to lights at night. It is also seen in vineyards and gardens.The adult beetle eats the leaves and fruit of grapevines, both wild and cultivated, although it is not normally a major pest of vineyards. Beetle eggs are laid in rotten wood, tree stumps, or on soil near the host plant, where they hatch into larvae, which may grow up to two inches long. Larvae then dig their way into the soil, where they feed on rotted wood. Pupal chambers are built shallowly underground. The adults emerge in July. Its complete life cycle is two years.