

Siphanta acuta

Torpedo Bug

Siphanta acuta
Local Pest Control
Siphanta acuta
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Siphanta acuta (also known as Fish Moth) is a plant-feeding insect in the family Flatidae; this species of planthopper is found in various parts of the world, and is sometimes called the green planthopper or the torpedo bug. About 15 mm long, they resemble small leaves and are generally found in trees. Their wings are triangular, and the back edge and corners of their wings are lined with dotted red. They are known for jumping quickly from plant to plant. One of the planthopper’s main predators is the steelblue ladybird, which eats the eggs of the planthoppers.

Torpedo Bug

Siphanta acuta
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

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Are planthoppers bad for plants?
Where can I find green Planthopper?
How big does a green Planthopper get?
What is a green Planthopper?
What is the size of a green Planthopper?
What is the habitat of green Planthopper?
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What are the physical characteristics of green Planthopper?
What is the life cycle of green Planthopper?
Do green Planthopper have any natural enemies?
How do green Planthopper protect themselves from predators?
What are the threats to green Planthopper?
What is the economic impact of green Planthopper?
What is the lifespan of a green Planthopper?
How do you identify a green Planthopper?
Are green Planthopper harmful to humans?
How do green Planthopper communicate with each other?
How do green Planthopper reproduce?
What is the scientific name of green Planthopper?
Can green Planthopper survive in cold weather?
How do you control green Planthopper infestations?
What is the behavior of green Planthopper?
Do green Planthopper undergo complete metamorphosis?
How do you prevent green Planthopper infestations?
What is the role of green Planthopper in the ecosystem?
Are green Planthopper nocturnal?
Can green Planthopper swim?
How do green Planthopper impact the environment?
What are the common predators of green Planthopper?
How do green Planthopper adapt to their environment?
Can green Planthopper fly?
Do green Planthopper have any economic benefits?
Are green Planthopper social insects?