The tree bumble bee (Bombus hypnorum) is a species of bumble bee that is native to Europe and has recently expanded its range to North America. It is known for its distinctive coloration of a black body with a ginger thorax and white tail.
More questions
Do tree bumble bee make honey?
What do tree bumble bee eat?
Where does tree bumble bee live?
What is the tree bumble bee?
What is the size of the tree bumble bee?
What is the habitat of the tree bumble bee?
What is the diet of the tree bumble bee?
What is the behavior of the tree bumble bee?
What is the importance of the tree bumble bee?
What is the color pattern of the tree bumble bee?
What is the lifespan of the tree bumble bee?
How many species are there in the Bombus genus?
How does the tree bumble bee differ from other bumblebees?
Where can I find the tree bumble bee?
What are the predators of the tree bumble bee?
How does the tree bumble bee communicate with other bees in its colony?
What is the difference between a queen and a worker tree bumble bee?
How does the tree bumble bee reproduce?
How far do tree bumble bee travel to forage?
How does the tree bumble bee protect its nest?
What is the mating behavior of the tree bumble bee?
How does climate change affect the tree bumble bee?
How many eggs does the queen tree bumble bee lay?
What is the biggest threat to the tree bumble bee?
Can tree bumble bee nests be moved?
What can I do to attract tree bumble bee to my garden?
Can I keep tree bumble bee as pets?
How does the tree bumble bee nest differ from other bumblebee nests?
What is the difference between bumblebees and honeybees?
Can tree bumble bee cause an allergic reaction?
How fast can a tree bumble bee fly?
What are the physical characteristics of the tree bumble bee?