

Papilio multicaudata

Two-tailed Swallowtail

Papilio multicaudata
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Papilio multicaudata, the two-tailed swallowtail, is a species of the family Papilionidae found in western North America from British Columbia to Central America.

Two-tailed Swallowtail

Papilio multicaudata
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

People often ask

Where does two-tailed swallowtail usually live?
What is the size of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the lifespan of the two-tailed swallowtail?
What colors go with two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the scientific name of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the common name of two-tailed swallowtail?
Where can two-tailed swallowtail be found?
What is the size of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the lifespan of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the diet of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the habitat of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the reproduction process of two-tailed swallowtail?
What are the predators of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the physical appearance of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the behavior of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the scientific classification of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the geographical range of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the significance of two-tailed swallowtail in local ecosystems?
How can two-tailed swallowtail be identified?
What is the migration pattern of two-tailed swallowtail?
How does two-tailed swallowtail defend itself against predators?
What is the folklore surrounding two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the flight pattern of two-tailed swallowtail?
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What is the mating ritual of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the history of two-tailed swallowtail?
What is the biological function of two-tailed swallowtail's distinctive tail-like extensions?
How does two-tailed swallowtail interact with other species in its ecosystem?
What is the typical habitat for two-tailed swallowtail larvae?
How does two-tailed swallowtail contribute to local biodiversity?
What is the morphology of two-tailed swallowtail larvae?
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How does two-tailed swallowtail regulate its body temperature?
What is the population status of two-tailed swallowtail?


The two-tailed swallowtail is a large swallowtail of western North America, one of several species that have yellow wings with black tiger striping. Each hindwing has several blue markings (top and bottom). Like other striped swallowtails, it has a small orange eyespot near the lower angle of each hindwing; the eyespots can fool predators into attacking the rear of the butterfly instead of the head, giving the butterfly a chance to escape. Its appearance is similar to the western, and eastern tiger swallowtails, but has narrower black stripes and usually two tails on each hindwing (rather than only one). Most two-tails have a black "slit pupil" in the orange eyespot on each hindwing, never present in western tiger. It is also usually larger than similar swallowtails within its range, although some eastern tiger swallowtails are as big as any two-tailed. The wingspan ranges from 3 to 6.5 in, making it the largest swallowtail in western North America. As is the case with most swallowtails, females are larger and more brightly colored than males, having more blue and orange markings on the hindwings. It does not tend to hybridize with related species as do the western, eastern, and Canadian tiger swallowtails. The butterfly can be seen from Guatemala, through Mexico, the western United States to southern Canada in southern British Columbia, Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. It typically lives near streams and in moist valleys but also in canyons and cities at lower elevations. Host plants include: chokecherry, bitter cherry, Arizona rosewood, single-leaf ash, hoptree, and Arizona sycamore. In California it mostly uses California hoptree. Elsewhere in the West, it often uses green ash planted along city roads (in California, city habitats are usually occupied by western tiger swallowtails rather than two-tailed). The two-tailed swallowtail is the state butterfly of Arizona.


Life cycle

Adults fly during spring and summer and there is one brood. Females lay eggs singly on the host plant. The caterpillar will fold the host plant's leaves and tie them together with silk they will then eat from this structure. The pupae will overwinter then emerge in May.