

Xylocopa violacea

Violet Carpenter Bee

Xylocopa violacea
Local Pest Control
Xylocopa violacea
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Xylocopa violacea, the violet carpenter bee, is the common European species of carpenter bee, and one of the largest bees in Europe. It is also native to Asia. Like most members of the genus Xylocopa, it makes its nests in dead wood. It is not particularly aggressive, and will attack only if forced to.

Violet Carpenter Bee

Xylocopa violacea
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

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What does violet carpenter bee eat?
What is a violet carpenter bee?
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Are violet carpenter bee dangerous?
Where do violet carpenter bee live?
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What do violet carpenter bee eat?
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What is the scientific classification of the violet carpenter bee?
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Can violet carpenter bee be kept as pets?
How do violet carpenter bee make nests?
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Do violet carpenter bee live in colonies?
How many species of violet carpenter bee are there?
What is the range of a violet carpenter bee?
What predators eat violet carpenter bee?
Are violet carpenter bee social insects?
What is the behavior of a violet carpenter bee?
What is the size of a violet carpenter bee?
Can violet carpenter bee sting through clothing?
What is the importance of violet carpenter bee in pollination?
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The range of Xylocopa violacea extends from Europe eastward across Asia as far as central China, restricted to latitudes above 30 degrees. In India, any all-black species of Xylocopa are referred to by the common name "bhanvra" (or "bhomora" - ভোমোৰা - in Assamese), and reports and sightings of bhanvra are commonly misattributed to this species; however, this species is found only in the northern regions of Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Most sightings refer to any of several other common black Xylocopa, such as X. nasalis, X. tenuiscapa, or X. tranquebarorum.In 2006, Xylocopa violacea was reported from Cardigan, Wales. In 2007, it was found breeding for the first time in England, in Leicestershire. This follows a northwards expansion of its range in France, Germany, and the Channel Islands. In 2010 it was recorded in Northamptonshire and Worcestershire.


Violet carpenter bees hibernate overwinter and they emerge in the spring, usually around April or May. Hibernation is undertaken by the adults in wood where there are abandoned nest tunnels. In the late spring or early summer, they may be seen around searching for mates and suitable nesting sites. After mating, the gravid females bore tunnels in dead wood, which is where the name "carpenter bee" comes from, although old nest tunnels may be used. Like other solitary bees, the female creates the nest alone. The eggs are laid within a series of small cells, each of which is supplied with a pollen ball for the larvae to feed upon. The adults emerge in late summer then hibernate until the following year.