

Atta mexicana

Atta mexicana
Lokale Schädlingsbekämpfung
Atta mexicana
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Atta mexicana ist eine Art der Blattschneiderameisen aus der Gattung Atta.

Atta mexicana

Atta mexicana
Lokale Schädlingsbekämpfung


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Wissenschaftliche Klassifizierung

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Hymenoptera
family: Formicidae
genus: Atta

Die Leute fragen oft

Where does mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant live?
Does mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant have eyes?
What does mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant eat?
What is the scientific name for mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the size of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the lifespan of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the habitat of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the behavior of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the diet of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the role of fungal gardens in the life of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the reproductive system of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the role of workers in the mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the purpose of cutting leaves in mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the difference between male and female mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the mating behavior of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the role of pheromones in the mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the size of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the anatomical structure of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What are the predators of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the taxonomic classification of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the social structure of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the role of the queen in the mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the communication system of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the function of the fungal garden in the life of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the natural range of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the classification of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant colony?
What is the ecological role of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the reproductive behavior of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the sensory system of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the distribution of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the ecological impact of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the developmental stages of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant?
What is the behavior of mexican Leaf-Cutting Ant towards other insects?


Atta mexicana ist in Mittelamerika verbreitet. Die Art kommt in Kolumbien, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexiko, Panama und im Süden der Vereinigten Staaten vor.


Die Gattung hat 17 registrierte Arten, darunter Atta mexicana, die 1858 erstmals von Frederick Smith als Oecodoma mexicana beschrieben wurde. Die Ameisen dieser Gattung sind exklusiv auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent, wo sie in den tropischen und subtropischen Regionen vom Süden der Vereinigten Staaten bis zum Norden Argentiniens in einer maximalen Höhe von 2000 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel verbreitet sind.


- Atta mexicana bei AntWeb