

Saltarina rayada de mandíbulas largas

Hentzia palmarum
Control de plagas locales
Hentzia palmarum
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Hentzia palmarum es una especie de araña de la familia Salticidae, comúnmente conocida como araña de palma. Se encuentra en el sur de Estados Unidos, especialmente en Florida y Texas. Esta pequeña araña tiene una coloración distintiva, con un cuerpo marrón oscuro y marcas blancas en su abdomen. Es conocida por su habilidad ágil para saltar y se encuentra frecuentemente en palmeras y otras vegetaciones.

Saltarina rayada de mandíbulas largas

Hentzia palmarum
Control de plagas locales



Clasificación científica

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Salticidae
genus: Hentzia

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What is a common hentz jumper?
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Are common hentz jumper venomous?
Are common hentz jumper beneficial to the environment?
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How can I prevent common hentz jumper from entering my home?
Can common hentz jumper harm my pets?
How do common hentz jumper defend themselves?
Can common hentz jumper live in colder climates?
Are common hentz jumper endangered?
Can common hentz jumper live in captivity?
How do I safely remove a common hentz jumper from my home?
How fast can common hentz jumper run?
What is the habitat range of common hentz jumper?
Can common hentz jumper climb trees?
What is the average size of a common hentz jumper?
Can common hentz jumper see well?