

Phidippus putnami

Phidippus putnami
Control de plagas locales
Phidippus putnami
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Phidippus putnami es una especie de araña araneomorfa del género Phidippus, familia Salticidae Fue descrita científicamente por G. W. Peckham y E. G. Peckham en 1883. Habita en los Estados Unidos. Los machos miden de 7,35 a 9,02 mm y las hembras de 8,52 a 11,19 mm.

Phidippus putnami

Phidippus putnami
Control de plagas locales



Clasificación científica

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Salticidae
genus: Phidippus

La gente pregunta a menudo

How far can putnam's jumping spider jump?
What is a putnam's jumping spider?
What does a putnam's jumping spider look like?
What type of spider is a putnam's jumping spider?
Where can I find a putnam's jumping spider?
What do putnam's jumping spider eat?
Are putnam's jumping spider dangerous?
What is the lifespan of a putnam's jumping spider?
How fast can a putnam's jumping spider jump?
How do putnam's jumping spider mate?
Do putnam's jumping spider have any predators?
How do putnam's jumping spider hunt?
How many eyes does a putnam's jumping spider have?
Are there other species of jumping spiders in North America?
Can I keep a putnam's jumping spider as a pet?
How do putnam's jumping spider defend themselves?
How often do putnam's jumping spider molt?
What is the scientific name for a putnam's jumping spider?
How do putnam's jumping spider communicate?
How do you tell the difference between male and female putnam's jumping spider?
How can I attract putnam's jumping spider to my garden?
Do putnam's jumping spider make webs?
How many eggs do putnam's jumping spider lay?
How do putnam's jumping spider navigate their environment?
Are putnam's jumping spider social animals?
How are putnam's jumping spider beneficial to the environment?
What is the habitat of a putnam's jumping spider?
How big do putnam's jumping spider get?
How fast do putnam's jumping spider move?
How do putnam's jumping spider breathe?
Do putnam's jumping spider have any cultural significance?

Enlaces externos

- Phidippus Global Biodiversity Information Facility.