

Hormiga cosechadora

Pogonomyrmex rugosus
Control de plagas locales
Pogonomyrmex rugosus
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Pogonomyrmex rugosus, la hormiga cosechadora del desierto o hormiga cosechadora áspera, es una especie de hormiga cosechadora de la subfamilia Myrmicinae que es endémica del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, específicamente de Nuevo México y el sur de Colorado.

Hormiga cosechadora

Pogonomyrmex rugosus
Control de plagas locales



Clasificación científica

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Insecta
order: Hymenoptera
family: Formicidae
genus: Pogonomyrmex

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Do harvester ants have a queen?
What do harvester ants do with their dead?
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Are harvester ants beneficial?
What is the lifespan of a harvester ant?
What does rough harvester ant eat?
What is the natural predator of rough harvester ant?
What is the scientific name of the rough harvester ant?
How big do rough harvester ant typically get?
Where are rough harvester ant typically found?
What do rough harvester ant eat?
Do rough harvester ant have any predators?
How do rough harvester ant defend themselves?
How many queens do rough harvester ant colonies typically have?
Can rough harvester ant sting humans?
What does the rough harvester ant's nest look like?
How long do rough harvester ant live for?
What is the social structure of rough harvester ant?
How do rough harvester ant communicate with each other?
Do rough harvester ant migrate to different locations?
What is the role of the queen in a rough harvester ant colony?
How many eggs can a rough harvester ant queen lay in a day?
What is the lifespan of a rough harvester ant queen?
How do rough harvester ant obtain water in the desert?
How do rough harvester ant groom themselves?
Are rough harvester ant considered a pest?
Do rough harvester ant have a positive impact on the ecosystem?
How do rough harvester ant colonies defend their territories?
What is the color of a rough harvester ant?
Do rough harvester ant have any negative impact on agriculture?
How do rough harvester ant locate food?
What is the reproductive role of male rough harvester ant in the colony?
How do rough harvester ant dig their nests?
What is the purpose of the mounds that rough harvester ant build?
Do rough harvester ant have any medicinal properties?
How do rough harvester ant maintain the cleanliness of their colony?
What is the difference between a worker and a soldier rough harvester ant?
Can rough harvester ant carry objects heavier than their own weight?
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Las colonias de P. rugosus pueden llegar a tener hasta 15.000 obreras.

Tácticas de Forrajeo

Los trabajadores de P. rugosus utilizan tácticas de alimentación en grupo que implican la creación de caminos permanentes (senderos troncales). También usan senderos de feromonas para atraer a otros trabajadores a áreas de disponibilidad de alimentos.

Interacciones entre Especies

Otras dos especies de hormigas cosechadoras, Pogonomyrmex anergismus y Pogonomyrmex colei, no tienen trabajadores propios. En cambio, viven en las colonias de P. rugosus y Pogonomyrmex barbatus (hormiga cosechadora roja) y esclavizan a los trabajadores para criar machos y hembras reproductivos para ellos.