What is the geographical distribution of the gulf coast tick tick?
The Gulf Coast tick (Amblyomma maculatum) is primarily found in the southeastern United States, including states along the Gulf Coast such as Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It can also be found in some parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, and South Carolina.
More questions
What diseases does gulf coast tick carry?
What are the characteristics of gulf coast tick?
How soon after being bitten by a tick do symptoms appear?
Is there anything interesting about the gulf coast tick?
What does the gulf coast tick tick look like?
Where is the gulf coast tick tick commonly found?
What is the habitat of the gulf coast tick tick?
How long can the gulf coast tick tick live?
What diseases can the gulf coast tick tick transmit to humans?
How does the gulf coast tick tick transmit diseases to humans?
How can humans protect themselves from the gulf coast tick tick?
What are the symptoms of disease transmitted by the gulf coast tick tick?
How can individuals remove the gulf coast tick tick if they find one attached to their skin?
Can pets get diseases from the gulf coast tick tick?
What is the geographical distribution of the gulf coast tick tick?
What is the size of a gulf coast tick tick?
How can individuals prevent exposure to the gulf coast tick tick?
Do all gulf coast tick ticks carry disease?
What is the feeding behavior of the gulf coast tick tick?
How long does it take for the gulf coast tick tick to transmit disease to a human host?
Can a gulf coast tick tick be infected with more than one disease-causing organism?
What is the most effective way to kill the gulf coast tick tick?
Can individuals contract multiple diseases from a single bite from a gulf coast tick tick?
What is the best way to prevent gulf coast tick tick infestations in homes and yards?
What is the difference between a male and female gulf coast tick tick?
Can the gulf coast tick tick survive indoors?
How can individuals tell if a tick has bitten them?
What should individuals do if they suspect they have been bitten by a gulf coast tick tick?
How can individuals avoid bringing gulf coast tick ticks into their home after spending time outdoors?
Can individuals contract disease from crushing a gulf coast tick tick?
How can individuals dispose of a gulf coast tick tick after removal?
Is it possible to develop an allergic reaction to a gulf coast tick tick bite?
What is the most important way to prevent transmission of disease from the gulf coast tick tick?
How is the gulf coast tick tick different from other tick species?