

Amphimallon solstitiale

Summer Chafer

Amphimallon solstitiale
Local Pest Control
Amphimallon solstitiale
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Amphimallon solstitiale, also known as the summer chafer or European june beetle, is a beetle similar to the cockchafer but much smaller, approximately 20 millimetres (0.79 in) in length. They are declining in numbers now, but where found they are often seen in large numbers. At dusk they actively fly around tree tops looking for a mate and can often be found drowning in pools of water the following morning. They are also attracted to light and come in through open, lit windows and fly around lamps, making quite a racket while bumping into lights. They are found throughout the Palearctic region, commonly seen from June to August, living in meadows, hedgerows, and gardens, and eating plants and tree foliage.

Summer Chafer

Amphimallon solstitiale
Local Pest Control


tree pest
garden pest
crop pest

Scientific classification

People often ask

Do Chafer bugs bite?
What does summer chafer eat?
Where does summer chafer usually live?
What color is summer chafer?
How big does a summer chafer get?
What is a summer chafer?
What do summer chafer look like?
When do summer chafer emerge?
What do summer chafer eat?
Why are summer chafer considered pests?
How long do summer chafer live?
What is the lifecycle of a summer chafer?
How can I get rid of summer chafer in my lawn?
What are nematodes?
Are there any natural predators of summer chafer?
Can summer chafer larvae damage my lawn?
How can I tell if my lawn has a summer chafer infestation?
How can I prevent summer chafer from damaging my lawn?
How do summer chafer mate?
Where are summer chafer found?
How do summer chafer defend themselves from predators?
What is the difference between a summer chafer and a June beetle?
What is the scientific name of summer chafer?
How long do summer chafer eggs take to hatch?
What is the best time to treat for summer chafer larvae?
What is the lifespan of summer chafer larvae?
How can I attract summer chafer to my garden?
What is the impact of summer chafer on agriculture?
Do summer chafer bite or sting?
What is the difference between a beetle and a bug?
What is the difference between a chafer and a grub?
Do summer chafer hibernate?
How many species of chafer are there?
What is the economic importance of summer chafer?


The species can be found in such countries as Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, France, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, southern parts of Russia, Mexico and Great Britain