

Whitman's Jumping Spider

Phidippus whitmani
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Phidippus whitmani
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Phidippus whitmani is a species of jumping spider.

Whitman's Jumping Spider

Phidippus whitmani
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Arthropoda
class: Arachnida
order: Araneae
family: Salticidae
genus: Phidippus

People often ask

How far can whitman's jumping spider jump?


While the male is strikingly red on top, with a black band in the frontal eye region and sometimes with white setae on the forelegs, the female is of a rather inconspicuous brown color. It is one of the species of jumping spiders which are mimics of mutillid wasps (commonly known as "velvet ants"); several species of these wasps are similar in size and coloration, and possess a very painful sting.


Phidippus whitmani occurs in the United States and Canada.


The species was named after zoologist Charles Otis Whitman.