

Speyeria cybele

Great Spangled Fritillary

Speyeria cybele
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The great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele) is a North American butterfly of the family Nymphalidae.

Great Spangled Fritillary

Speyeria cybele
Local Pest Control



Scientific classification

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What is the great spangled fritillary?
What does the great spangled fritillary look like?
Where can I find the great spangled fritillary?
What does the great spangled fritillary eat?
What is the great spangled fritillary's great spangled fritillary life cycle?
How long does it take for the great spangled fritillary to mature from a larva to an adult?
Do the great spangled fritillary migrate?
Are the great spangled fritillary social insects?
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Is the great spangled fritillary endangered?
Do great spangled fritillary hibernate during winter?
How can I attract great spangled fritillary to my garden?
What is the scientific name for the great spangled fritillary?
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What is the lifespan of the great spangled fritillary?
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What is the historical significance of the great spangled fritillary?
What is the best time to spot the great spangled fritillary?
What is the wingspan of the great spangled fritillary?
What is the role of the great spangled fritillary in the ecosystem?
What is the behavior of the great spangled fritillary?
How fast can the great spangled fritillary fly?
What is the habitat range of the great spangled fritillary?
How does the great spangled fritillary reproduce?
Is the great spangled fritillary poisonous to humans?
What are the threats to the great spangled fritillary?
How does the great spangled fritillary avoid predators?
How many eggs does the great spangled fritillary lay?
What is the range of the great spangled fritillary?


Its wingspan ranges from 62 to 88 mm. It is characterized by its orange color above with five black dashes near forewing base and several irregular black dashes at the base of the hindwing. In addition, two rows of black crescents run along the edges of the wings. Below, the forewing is yellowish orange with black marks similar to the upperside, with a few silver spots on the tip of the wing. The hindwing is reddish brown with silver spots on the base and middle of the wing. A broad yellow band and silver triangles are the most notable qualities on the wing, next to the brown margin. Females tend to be darker than males and individuals from the western reaches of this species range tend to be brighter orange. Similar species include the Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite), the Atlantis fritillary (Speyeria atlantis) and the northwestern fritillary (Speyeria hesperis). It is distinguished from the Aphrodite and Atlantis fritillaries by a wide light submarginal band on the hindwing and instead of black spots, black dashes form on the margins of the forewing.



The great spangled fritillary covers a wide range of North America stretching from southern Canada to northern California on the west to North Carolina on the east. Prime habitat for this species includes moist meadows and woodland edges.

Larval host

Various species of native violets have reported to serve as a larval host plant for the great spangled fritillary, including the native round-leaf violet (Viola rotundifolia), the arrow-leaf violet (Viola fimbriatula) and the common blue violet (Viola sororia).